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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Roots above ground. Right?

OK so I figured my blog is about Confessions of a High School Senior soo its about time to confess somethings. My fourth period class is Horticulture one because of course I love Horticulture. My teacher is Little Roberts we call him this because his father is Big Roberts and they both work at the High School. Well there is a kid in my class who has an abnormally large cranium. I mean his head is huge even Little Roberts jokes on him about it. Not only does he have a big cranium but he has a big ego too. He thinks hes all that because his girlfriend is in the Horticulture class too. He is like a miniature jock him being an tenth or eleventh grader. Today in class we transplanted seed sprouts into small containers. One group of students mixed the soil, one group planted the sprouts, and one group took the pots to the greenhouse. Well mister big had thinks he is being all cool, he plants the sprout within seconds and slides the pots across the table super fast to make a big impression while shouting " I'm the potting master." I am going behind the planters to make sure the sprouts are potted the right way. Well Mister Big Head seems to be doing something majorly wrong. Ummm are the roots suppose to go in the ground? They don't need soil to grow right? That's right in the mist of trying to impress his girlfriend, and the other really cute girls in the class, he planted the sprouts with the roots above ground. Well looks like he has a big head but no brain. Sooo while I'm fixing the problem by repotting the sprouts Little Roberts walks bye and says, "James you have done this before haven't you." "No actually this is my first time." I said. "Really your doing a great job that's amazing." he replied. Guss who the girls were staring at now. That's right me. After that the cute blond next to me was laughing with me and giving me the googly eyes. That's right Mister Big Head you put the roots above ground and James puts them below ground with the help of the ladies. Not to metion if I had not planted the roots back in the ground the plants would not have grown and we would not have been able to sell the plants out of our green house at the High School. So I saved the School at least 20 bucks today.

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