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Friday, February 26, 2010

Field Trip

The first field trip of the year happened Thursday. I and 40 other members of my high schools FFA traveled to Greensboro, North Carolina to visit a college named A&T. We were told to be at school by 5:00am. No I'm not joking. I woke up at 3:45am that mourning and was out the door by 4:10am. Some people would not have went on a field trip if they had to wake up this early. It was cold and there was no heat on the bus. Luckily I brought my favorite blanket that absorbs body heat. I was never cold especially with my cute red headed friend Elizabeth asleep laying on my shoulder. Did I mention I landed my but in the worst seat on the bus. My seat had the heater under it, the heater that didn't work. So I had hardly any leg room. I was never bored though because I downloaded two movies onto my I-Touch for Elizabeth and I to watch. Except one (Couples Retreat) was really bad. We stopped watching it half way through. The college was great. It was a nice size and the people were very kind. The atmosphere at the college was like being at home with your family. The food was good to, LOL. The ride home was nice. Except the heater decided to kick on. Because I was sitting right above it I felt as if I was over a campfire. Elizabeth was asleep again, I didn't wont to wake her to switch spots. Luckily the bus hit a big bump and she woke up. We switch spots and everything seemed to be going well. Until a group of boys at the back of the bus became gassy and began passing gas. Time to roll the windows down. Finally we were almost home. The bus however was not going to let us off without a blood sacrifice though. A freshman (who I saw with a knife earlier) was evidently bleeding. I turn to look and almost lost all the food in my stomach. There was a 2 inch piece of skin barley hanging off his thumb and it was gushing blood. UGHHH. I asked him how did he cut his finger? Were you playing with your knife? He said, "No I was trying to put a whole in the top of my bottle." I asked, "With you're KNIFE?" "Yes", he said. My oh my, didn't his Mom ever tell him not to play with knives. So that was our first field trip of the year. It had its moment's. I know I had mine. At least I was warm, thanks Elizabeth.

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