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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Favorite Flowers and Plants

Its almost that time of year. Spring. One of my favorite seasons. I am already organizing my flower seeds and preparing for the upcoming month. I went to Lowe's today and went a little crazy over the variety of seeds. I probably spent a little too much to. However I could not resist buying the most spectacular seeds. Some of which are my favorite. Purple Cone Flower - This is a beautiful purple flower with a vibrate orange and brown cone in the center, the bees also love it. Bachelors Buttons - These flowers look just like little buttons. They are mostly blue but also come in white and red. Mexican Hat - This is the coolest flower ever. The flower looks just like a mini Sombrero. Gaillardia - This is a new one I have never seen before. To me the flowers look like fireworks of red and white. Last of the seeds bought today is Red King Zinnia. This is the big daddy of the Zinnia family. The blooms on this Zinnia are huge and wonderfully red. These are some of the new comers to my garden this year. They are going to look great in the raised flower bed I'm planning on building this spring. So what are you doing to prepare for Spring?

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