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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Full of Poo

In animal science class one day we were back at the farm again. This time we were learning how to palpate cows. What!!! You don't know what palpate means. Well its when you put on an extremely over sized glove and stick your hand up a cows butt. Sounds crazy right. The purpose of palpation is to tell what part of the pregnancy cycle the momma cow is in. Yes I did it. I put on the glove and reached into the rectum of the cow. Poor cow. My teacher starts asking the questions. " What do you feel, is she pregnant?" All I felt was warm mushy stuff. I replied, " She's not pregnant she's just full of crap." My fellow class mates were telling me I wasn't in deep enough. Listen when you've got half your arm up a cows butt you really do not want to go any deeper. I hear my class mates laughing. "What are yall laughing at?" Just then my leg started feeling really warm. I look down and what do I see? Noooo!!! The cow had just pooped all over my jeans. It was seeping through onto my leg. Gross. So I retrieved my arm from the poo hole of the cow and stumbled my way out into fresh air to examine the damage. Everyone was laughing and pointing. " That's ok yall will get your turns." I replied. I cleaned the poop off with some paper towels but unfortunately my jeans were now blue and green. We all ended up dirty and poopy that day. After a long day of work like that our teacher thought it was only fair to feed our hungry bellies. Where did we go? No where other than the Golden Coral. Oh boy were people staring at us. That didn't matter we were having the time of our life. Together with our muddy boots and poopy jeans.

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