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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Veggie Garden

Hello it's me again. It has been a while sense my last post. Many things have happened at school and at home. For now I will just tell you about my new veggie garden at home. I like my raised flower bed so much that I decided to build a raised vegetable bed. Some of the things I wanted to plant and grow in my veggie bed were cabbage, carrots, lettuce, tomato, peas, squash, and cucumber. However right now I have only planted Carrots, lettuce, and strawberries. The reason why I did not plant more is because the veggie bed I built was smaller than I had anticipated. The raised flower beds are really easy to build and I recommend it to everyone who loves to garden. I built one veggie bed and filled it with compost and fertilizer within an hour and a half. I know have to build another one because I want more veggies.

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