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Monday, May 31, 2010

Veggie Garden Before and After

I have been picking some veggies out of my Garden. My mother made a Squash Casserole with the squash I have pick so far. Also we made a salad with the lettuce I grew. So here are some befor and after pictures.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cool Picture Effects

I love all the awesome things that I can do to my pictures using the photo program called Picasa. Here are some of the pictures that I have edited. Using Picasa you can do many things such as focus an image, Tint an image, and filter images. There are a ton more effects you can use in Picasa so go download yours today.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pikes Peak Purple Beard Tongue

I bought this plant from Lowe's last year. It was dying and on sale for $2.50. I bought it anyway. I planted it in my front yard flower garden and within a week it was back to life. I love this plant it is very colorful and attracts lots of butterflies and bees that I like to photograph. It doesn't require much watering and is pretty hardy. It is a must have for any garden. The Pikes Peak Purple Beard Tongue really is a proven winner.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Back Yard Farm

Well you already know about my front yard make-over but there are things going on in the back yard also. There is my new row crops full of corn, beans, squash, bell pepper and a cabbage. There is also my above ground vegetable boxes that were originally meant to be flower boxes. So my yard is now full of Carrots, Cabbage, Lettuce, Strawberries, Raspberries, Bell pepper, Beans, Squash, Pink Tomato, Porter House Tomato, Homestead Tomato, and Better Boy Tomato. My Dad really likes Tomato's. I also have a problem with buying plants. Lowe's is like crack to me. However I know the first step to solving your problem is to omit you have one. I have a buying plants problem.